Home > MAIN CATALOGUE > Rare Summer Bulbs (March-April Shipping)
Rare Summer Bulbs ship in March and April once it's safe to ship to your region. They must ship separately from plants in other sections which come ready later in the season. Please do not mix your Rare Summer Bulb order with plants from outside this section.

New Flat Rate Shipping for Bulbs*
Our new flat rate shipping on bulb only shipments will reduce your shipping costs, especially for smaller orders. When you place your order, our system will still calculate a quoted rate but we will adjust your rate right before we ship and charge you based on the table below. If you pay by PayPal, we will refund the difference when we ship.

Bulb Total BC Prairies/Territories Ont/PQ Atlantic
$40-$100 $25 $27 $28 $30
$100-$200 $28 $30 $32 $35
$200-$300 $35 $37 $39 $42
$300+ Quoted rate Quoted rate Quoted rate Quoted rate
*Applies to shipments of packaged dry bulbs only. If potted bulbs or other plants are included in your order, the quoted rate will apply.

We are excited to offer perhaps the coolest and craziest selection of summer bulbs ever offered in Canada sourced from suppliers on three continents and brought together here for your gardening pleasure. In total we offer you 330 rare, unusual, and cutting edge bulbs of which nearly half are new this year! Most bloom from late spring through fall. Some are best as really cool houseplants. They will be available for pick-up or shipping in March and April. These bulbs are provided in one of two formats: as bare root bulbs and rhizomes denoted in the plant details by number of bulbs per pack or as potted bulbs denoted by pot sizes of 9cm, 11cm, 15cm, or 1g and will be well-rooted, large bulbs or rhizomes. The minimum order is $40 in bulbs.

Rare Summer Bulbs

Local Customers
: Many bulbs sell out in advance so please place an order here.
Choose "pick up" when you check out. If supplies last, some of the bulbs will be offered in packages at the nursery for in-person browsing. Yet unlike the fall, many of the bulbs listed here, especially the rarer ones, will not be packaged and displayed for browsing. Advance orders will be filled and the rest potted for sale later in the spring and summer usually at a higher price since bulbs will be potted and in growth. We will send you an email when your order is complete and it's time to pick up.
Mail Order Customers: The bulbs and rhizomes in this section are perfect for early season shipping and planting which will save on shipping costs and decrease or eliminate the possibility of damage during shipping. Many bulbs are much more difficult to ship once they come into growth. For that reason, many of the bulbs in this section will not be offered for shipping in potted format later in the season. So please order now. We will ship your order in March or April as soon as weather conditions are warm enough to safely ship from us to you. That does not necessarily mean it will be warm enough in your region to plant yet. We must ship these bulbs as soon as possible otherwise they will start to grow in our mild climate. Should it still be too cold to plant outdoors in your region, you can plant in pots and keep on a cool windowsill, or in a frost free garage, shed, or greenhouse or simply store the bulbs in the crisper of your fridge until you're ready to plant.
Please do not place orders mixing rare summer bulbs with plants from other sections. The rare summer bulbs must ship in March and April long before most of the rest of our production is ready. Have fun!