Home > MAIN CATALOGUE > West Coast Natives
This section includes BC native plants and other plants native to the west coast of North America. We have much in common in this bioregion that runs from California through BC to Alaska in terms of plants and animals and their ecologies. If you're a fan of BC native plants, we are pleased to offer one of the largest online selections with even more available in-person at the nursery.

20% of the profits of our BC native plants are donated each year to the First Nations and Endangered Languages Program at the Centre for Critical Indigenous Studies at the University of British Columbia. Your purchase will help support and enhance First Nations languages in BC. Thank you!
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Achillea millefolium - Common Yarrow - Achillea millefolium, the common yarrow, is an important nectar source and host plant for a diversity of insects. Achillea millefolium - Common Yarrow - Asteraceae (The Aster/Daisy Family)

Achillea millefolium, the common yarrow, is an important nectar source and host plant for a diversity of insects.

Price: $7.99
(Out of Stock)
Achlys triphylla - Vanilla Leaf - Achlys triphylla is a unique ground cover attractive to pollinators and hummingbirds. The dried three-part leaves smell like vanilla. Achlys triphylla - Vanilla Leaf - Berberidaceae (The Barberry Family)

Achlys triphylla is a unique ground cover attractive to pollinators and hummingbirds. The dried three-part leaves smell like vanilla.

Price: $8.99
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Adiantum pedatum - Northern Maidenhair Fern - Adiantum pedatum, the northern Maidenhair fern, is one of the most beautiful of all ferns with distinctive palmate fronds. Adiantum pedatum - Northern Maidenhair Fern - Pteridaceae (The Maidenhair Fern Family)

Adiantum pedatum, the northern Maidenhair fern, is one of the most beautiful of all ferns with distinctive palmate fronds.

Price: $8.99
(Out of Stock)
Agastache foeniculum - Anise Hyssop - Agastache foeniculum is a long-blooming perennial great for summer colour and bees and butterflies. Agastache foeniculum - Anise Hyssop - Lamiaceae (The Mint Family)

Agastache foeniculum is a long-blooming perennial great for summer colour and bees and butterflies.

Price: $18.99
Amelanchier alnifolia - Saskatoon Berry - Amelanchier alnifolia or Saskatoon berry offers tasty blueberry-like fruit and is also in important pollinator plant. Amelanchier alnifolia - Saskatoon Berry - Rosaceae (The Rose Family)

Amelanchier alnifolia or Saskatoon berry offers tasty blueberry-like fruit and is also in important pollinator plant.

Price: $7.99
Anaphalis margaritacea - Pearly Everlasting - Anaphalis margaritacea (pearly everlasting) has crisp white flowers attractive to butterflies and which are useful for drying. Anaphalis margaritacea - Pearly Everlasting - Asteraceae (The Aster/Daisy Family)

Anaphalis margaritacea (pearly everlasting) has crisp white flowers attractive to butterflies and which are useful for drying.

Price: $8.99
Anemone multifida 'Rubra' - Windflower - This charming red or 'Rubra' form of Anemone multifida deserves to be better-known. Anemone multifida 'Rubra' - Windflower - Ranunculaceae (The Buttercup Family)

This charming red or 'Rubra' form of Anemone multifida deserves to be better-known.

Price: $16.99
Anemone multifida - Pacific Anemone - Anemone multifida, the Pacific anemone, is a wonderfully textured BC native with finely cut foliage covered and white flowers. Anemone multifida - Pacific Anemone - Ranunculaceae (The Buttercup Family)

Anemone multifida, the Pacific anemone, is a wonderfully textured BC native with finely cut foliage covered and white flowers.

Price: $8.99
(Out of Stock)
Anemone occidentalis - Western Pasqueflower - Anemone occidentalis, the western pasqueflower, has charming white flowers and ornamental silky seed heads. Anemone occidentalis - Western Pasqueflower - Ranunculaceae (The Buttercup Family)

Anemone occidentalis, the western pasqueflower, has charming white flowers and ornamental silky seed heads.

Price: $8.99
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Antennaria dioica 'Rubra' - Pink Pussytoes - Antennaria dioica 'Rubra', pink pussytoes, is small, cold hardy ground cover with silver leaves and fuzzy, pink flowers. Antennaria dioica 'Rubra' - Pink Pussytoes - Asteraceae (The Aster/Daisy Family)

Antennaria dioica 'Rubra', pink pussytoes, is small, cold hardy ground cover with silver leaves and fuzzy, pink flowers.

Price: $9.99
Aquilegia formosa - Western Columbine - Aquilegia formosa has delicate lantern-like flowers that attract pollinators including hummingbirds. Aquilegia formosa - Western Columbine - Ranunculaceae (The Buttercup Family)

Aquilegia formosa has delicate lantern-like flowers that attract pollinators including hummingbirds.

Price: $8.99
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Arbutus menziesii - Pacific Madrone - Arbutus menziesii is an attractive evergreen tree with peeling red/brown bark, clusters of fragrant white or pink flowers and edible scarlet fruit. Arbutus menziesii - Pacific Madrone - Ericaceae (The Heath Family)

Arbutus menziesii is an attractive evergreen tree with peeling red/brown bark, clusters of fragrant white or pink flowers and edible scarlet fruit.

Price: $31.99
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - Kinnikinnick - Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, known as kinnikinnick or bear berry, is a slow-growing evergreen native ground cover. Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - Kinnikinnick - Ericaceae (The Heath Family)

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, known as kinnikinnick or bear berry, is a slow-growing evergreen native ground cover.

Price: $8.99
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Armeria maritima - Sea Thrift - Armeria maritima, sea thrift or sea pink, forms compact mounds of grass-like foliage topped with clusters of pink flowers. Armeria maritima - Sea Thrift - Plumbaginaceae (The Leadwort Family)

Armeria maritima, sea thrift or sea pink, forms compact mounds of grass-like foliage topped with clusters of pink flowers.

Price: $8.99
Aruncus dioicus - Giant Goat's Beard - Aruncus dioicus, the giant goat's beard, is a stately BC native perennial with tall, creamy white plumes. Aruncus dioicus - Giant Goat's Beard - Rosaceae (The Rose Family)

Aruncus dioicus, the giant goat's beard, is a stately BC native perennial with tall, creamy white plumes.

Price: $8.99
(Out of Stock)
Asarum caudatum - Western Wild Ginger - Asarum caudatum is a beautiful western North American wild ginger that includes BC within its native range. Asarum caudatum - Western Wild Ginger - Aristolochiaceae (The Birthwort Family)

Asarum caudatum is a beautiful western North American wild ginger that includes BC within its native range.

Price: $9.99
(Out of Stock)
Asarum caudatum f. album - Western Wild Ginger - Asarum caudatum f. album known as western wild ginger has glossy evergreen leaves and 3-petaled creamy-white flowers. Asarum caudatum f. album - Western Wild Ginger - Aristolochiaceae (The Birthwort Family)

Asarum caudatum f. album known as western wild ginger has glossy evergreen leaves and 3-petaled creamy-white flowers.

Price: $26.99
(Out of Stock)
Asclepias speciosa - Showy Milkweed - Asclepias speciosa is the western North American sister species to the eastern common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca). Asclepias speciosa - Showy Milkweed - Asclepiadaceae (The Milkweed Family)

Asclepias speciosa is the western North American sister species to the eastern common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca).

Price: $26.99
(Out of Stock)
Asplenium trichomanes - Maidenhair Spleenwort - Asplenium trichomanes is a darling native fern that is incredibly tough with pure black stipes and bright green fronds. Asplenium trichomanes - Maidenhair Spleenwort - Aspleniaceae (The Spleenwort Family)

Asplenium trichomanes is a darling native fern that is incredibly tough with pure black stipes and bright green fronds.

Price: $16.99
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Aster (Symphyotrichum) subspicatus (subspicatum) - Douglas's Aster - Aster subspicatus (Symphyotrichum subspicatum) has lovely lavender flowers with narrow petals around yellow centres. Aster (Symphyotrichum) subspicatus (subspicatum) - Douglas's Aster - Asteraceae (The Aster/Daisy Family)

Aster subspicatus (Symphyotrichum subspicatum) has lovely lavender flowers with narrow petals around yellow centres.

Price: $8.99
(Out of Stock)
Athyrium filix-femina - Lady Fern - The lady fern, Athyrium filix-femina, is a beautiful and elegant native fern with pale green deciduous fronds. Athyrium filix-femina - Lady Fern - Dryopteridaceae (The Wood Fern Family)

The lady fern, Athyrium filix-femina, is a beautiful and elegant native fern with pale green deciduous fronds.

Price: $8.99
(Out of Stock)
Blechnum spicant - Deer Fern - Deer fern (Blechnum spicant) is a beautiful BC native fern for shady moist places. Blechnum spicant - Deer Fern - Blechnaceae (The Deer or Chain Fern Family)

Deer fern (Blechnum spicant) is a beautiful BC native fern for shady moist places.

Price: $8.99
Caltha palustris 'Plena' - Marsh Marigold - Caltha palustris 'Plena' is a cold-hardy, moisture-loving, Marsh marigold with green leaves and double, button-shaped, yellow flowers. Caltha palustris 'Plena' - Marsh Marigold - Ranunculaceae (The Buttercup Family)

Caltha palustris 'Plena' is a cold-hardy, moisture-loving, Marsh marigold with green leaves and double, button-shaped, yellow flowers.

Price: $19.99
(Out of Stock)
Campanula rotundifolia - Common Harebell - Campanula rotundifolia is a widespread harebell found throughout temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Campanula rotundifolia - Common Harebell - Campanulaceae (The Bellflower Family)

Campanula rotundifolia is a widespread harebell found throughout temperate regions of the northern hemisphere.

Price: $7.99
(Out of Stock)
Castilleja miniata - Indian Paintbrush - Indian paintbrush (Castilleja miniata) is beautiful West Coast native with inflorescences that look like a paintbrush dipped in fiery colours. Castilleja miniata - Indian Paintbrush - Orobanchaceae (The Broomrape Family)

Indian paintbrush (Castilleja miniata) is beautiful West Coast native with inflorescences that look like a paintbrush dipped in fiery colours.

Price: $11.99
Ceanothus velutinus - Snowbrush - Ceanothus velutinus is a beautiful white-flowered species related to the California lilacs with aromatic foliage. Ceanothus velutinus - Snowbrush - Rhamnaceae (The Buckthorn Family)

Ceanothus velutinus is a beautiful white-flowered species related to the California lilacs with aromatic foliage.

Price: $9.99
(Out of Stock)
Cornus canadensis - Bunchberry - Cornus canadensis, or bunchberry, is an excellent native ground cover for part shade and loose humusy soils. Cornus canadensis

Cornus canadensis, or bunchberry, is an excellent native ground cover for part shade and loose humusy soils.

Price: $8.99
(Out of Stock)
Cornus sericea (stolonifera) - Red Osier Dogwood - Cornus sericea (syn. stolonifera) is a beautiful native shrub known as red osier dogwood most famous for its red winter stems. Cornus sericea (stolonifera) - Red Osier Dogwood - Cornaceae (The Dogwood Family)

Cornus sericea (syn. stolonifera) is a beautiful native shrub known as red osier dogwood most famous for its red winter stems.

Price: $6.99
Darlingtonia californica - California Pitcher Plant - Darlingtonia californica is an amazing and rare carnivorous plant known as the California pitcher plant. Darlingtonia californica - California Pitcher Plant - Sarraceniaceae (The Pitcher Plant Family)

Darlingtonia californica is an amazing and rare carnivorous plant known as the California pitcher plant.

Price: $79.99
Dodecatheon hendersonii - Henderson's Shooting Star - Dodecatheon hendersonii is a western North American shooting star locally common at the southern tip of Vancouver Island. Dodecatheon hendersonii - Henderson's Shooting Star - Primulaceae (The Primrose Family)

Dodecatheon hendersonii is a western North American shooting star locally common at the southern tip of Vancouver Island.

Price: $8.99
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