For easier ordering and check out, please login or create an account first before adding plants to your shopping cart. Use the link above. 

Update for February 23, 2024: The Main Mail Order Catalogue is now fully updated for 2024. There will be some late additions made of rare and unusual plants from our specialized propagation and of BC native plants in mid to late March. All 10 winter/spring Pre-Orders are also now available having launched from November to January.  Our Cactus Pad Pre-Order will launch  in June for August/September shipping. Our Spring Bulb & Bare Root Pre-Order for fall 2024 and our Great Rose Pre-Order for 2025 will launch in July. Have fun!

Phoenix Perennials is an award-winning, cutting edge, retail and mail order nursery and garden center located in Richmond, BC, Canada, part of Metro Vancouver. In the nursery we offer over 5000 different plants a year for our in-person visitors. For mail order shipping across Canada we offer over 3000 different plants a year. WE ONLY SHIP WITHIN CANADA . To keep up to date on new plants and special offers, sign up for our E-Newsletter and Mail Order Alert . To find out what to expect from our plants and how our mail order differs from other nurseries, visit our page on how Phoenix Perennials Does Mail Order Differently. Happy Gardening!

Récipiendaire de plusieurs prix d’excellence, Phoenix Perennials est une pépinière et un centre de jardinage offrant la vente au détail et la vente par correspondance.  Situé à Richmond dans la région métropolitaine de Vancouver en Colombie-Britannique au Canada, nous offrons sur place plus de 5000 plantes différentes par année.  Nous offrons également annuellement plus de 3000 plantes pour l’achat par correspondance. NOUS LIVRONS SEULEMENT AU CANADA.  Pour être à l’affût de nos promotions et recevoir de l’information sur nos nouvelles plantes, inscrivez-vous à notre infolettre.  Pour savoir à quoi s’attendre de nos plantes et comment nous effectuons la vente par correspondance différemment des autres pépinières, veuillez visiter notre page dédié à ce sujet (disponible seulement en anglais). Veuillez noter que nous avons une employée qui peut vous servir en français du lundi au jeudi.  Bon jardinage!

Fritillaria imperialis 'Argenteovariegata' - Crown Imperial - [Spring B&B Pre-Order] - Fritillaria imperialis 'Argenteovariegata' is a bold variegated crown imperial with deep orange-red flowers. Dracunculus vulgaris - Dragon Lily - [Spring B&B Pre-Order] - Dracunculus vulgaris is topped with a lurid 18 inch burgundy spathe with a columnar purple-black spadix. Helleborus x hybridus WJ Apricot Blush - Lenten Rose - [HH Pre-Order] - Helleborus Winter Jewels Apricot Blush can be shades of pink, yellow and apricot that glow in the spring garden.
Asclepias incarnata 'Cinderella' - Swamp Milkweed - Asclepias incarnata 'Cinderella' has dense clusters of small rose pink and white vanilla-scented flowers that attract butterflies. Sedum telephium 'Marina' - Stonecrop - Sedum telephium 'Marina' is a large upright stonecrop with large, glaucous blue foliage. One of the bluest of all stonecrops. Anemone Wild Swan - Hybrid Anemone - Anemone Wild Swan is a profilic plant with continuous bloom from June until frost with large, white flowers backed with light purple.
Fritillaria hermonis ssp. amana - Fritillary - [Spring B&B Pre-Order] - Fritillaria hermonis ssp. amana has unusual and sophisticated yellow green bells etched in red at the edges. Eryngium 'Big Blue' - Moroccan Sea Holly - Eryngium 'Big Blue' is one of the best sea hollies with masses of blue, thistle-like thimbles. Helleborus x hybridus WJ Red Sapphire - Lenten Rose - [HH Pre-Order] - Helleborus Winter Jewels Red Sapphire has luscious rose-red double flowers.