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Price Guarantee
  It is our commitment to provide you with the highest quality plants at a fair price. Remember that "fair price" doesn't mean cheapest. And cheap rarely means high quality. As with everything, you get what you pay for.

At Phoenix Perennials we don't believe in cheap plants, low quality, or cutting corners because this means low performance and a poor investment for you, the gardener. We believe in strong, healthy plants at a reasonable price for the quality level.

We use a high quality soil mix and slow release fertilizer and we use the highest grade young or bareroot plants or propagate our own seeds and cuttings. Our plants are top quality and are guaranteed to perform. Our customers frequently exclaim that while other plants from other nurseries limped along, the plants they bought from Phoenix Perennials performed marvelously.
Privacy Policy
  We value your privacy. Please view our Privacy Policy for complete details on how we use the information we collect.
  This website is protected with SSL (secure socket layer) encryption, the highest standard in internet security. Our shopping cart system is provided by Volusion and our payments are through Moneris -- two of the most trusted names in internet shopping and transactions. You can be assured that all of your personal information is protected.