Home > MAIN CATALOGUE > Pre-Orders

Pre-orders offer specific groups of plants that come available during limited times of the season. They must be ordered and shipped or picked up separately from each other and from our main catalogue plants. Most are open to both our local, in-person shoppers and our mail order customers. Some are available for pick-up only when plants are too big to ship.

Our pre-orders include the Grafted Veggie Pre-Order, the Rare Summer Bulb Pre-Order, the Rare Spring Bulb and Bare Root Pre-Order, the Hellebore Pre-Order, the Hydrangea Hysteria, the Clematis Conundrum, the Great Rose Pre-Order, the Succulent Situation Pre-Order, and the Great Citrus Pre-Order. We also create new pre-orders each year when cool new plants become available. Visit our
main webpage to see the pre-orders that are running now and make sure to sign up for our E-Newsletter and various subject-based Alerts.

Explore Our Pre-Orders